Technical > Matt Shaff's Engine Shop

Zoomies vs collector headers

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I have played the zoomie vs header on a 565bbc in a fed. The biggest difference was the tune up. Headers required quite a bit more fuel and made a ton more power down low. I would say headers make more power but too many changes needed to be made to get good results. Had to leave at a much lower rpm also or would just blow the slicks off at the hit with the headers. Was fun to do.

JrFuel Hayden:
On Gas or Alky, and what RPM did you shift at ?

injected alky shift 7500 rpm, thru traps at 7800.

Was there much difference in MPH?

JrFuel Hayden:
not a surprize theory goes long pipes and injector stacks is for bottom end power, shorter good for higher RPM power. Matter-a-fact I have suggested to some racers to put their short stacks on when they are at a bad traction track, because it will take some bottom power away.


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