Well, before I even touched my El Camino to began the conversion from a street puff to a drag vehicle, I had to make list's, and more list's and then more list's.....the rear axle had to be designed and built to what I wanted, so buying parts FIRST is what I needed to do with that component, same with the trans, headers, engine fitment, front and rear suspension and so on. So in essence, everything we build either from scratch or a preexisting build needs to be done in stages. Call me a cry baby if you want, but my minuscule amount of pride is large in my eyes as I built my junk by myself, ran it and hit an et without a lot of help. Not bragging, just fact.
So, all that being said, the exhaust system needs to be thought out before the chassis as well as many other things before I get into a used chassis build. I like to stock pile many but not all of my parts, then begins the project, that way, it won't stall and I won't loose interest waiting for more money to roll in. It's how I roll. Nothing worse for a guy to have a chassis in a garage and taking him 2+ years to get it built!!!! I'm an impatient person and want my stuff yesterday, I'm high strung, and like a hand gernade with out a pin in it that everyone around me try's to put back in!!! I work hard and play hard, sorry it is not at YOUR level but I have to start somewhere.
I am a fact finder before I do things, than I make my decisions...my apology if I ruffeled your feathers, you obviously don't know me as I keep everyone around me entertained at the least and always try to put smiles on people's faces. Thanks for your concern also
