Technical > Matt Shaff's Engine Shop

Anyone spray there BBC in a fed?

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Hey all,
  Since I am a door slammer racer, and I spray nitrous, I set my engine up a certain way, to catch people at the other end, and it works pretty good.

So, that being said, does anyone here spray there engine on the launch?  My 3500# tug boat dead hooks, paddles the tires and off I go.   I am wondering if I will be able to do the same in a fed?

Thoughts and input anyone!!!!! :D


I hope it works great since I have my deal setup for 300 shot.I am not planning on trying it till I have good baseline tuneup on it. I know Bill has nitrous on his SBC FED and seems to work fine when he needs it. Hopefully he will chime in and give better insight on subject.

For racing in NHRA Heritage series, Nitrous is prohibited in all NE classes
Most of what you will see in the INDEX classes are
NE3 -- carburated   9.60 index
NE2-- Norm Asperated injection on alcohol    8.60 index
NE1-- Blown or injected on alcohol    7.60 index
7.0PRO -- Blown alcohol, injected nitro   7.0 index 

Paul New:
Pretty sure Dave Koehler did with his car I know he sales a lot of Nitrous parts to go along with fuel injection

I would spray mine from start to finish with a 250 shot .At that time I was running 7.50s on motor.It ran a lot of 7.00s and a best of 6.94 with spray!


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