Technical > Matt Shaff's Engine Shop
Why my dragster keeps dying after a burn out, seems to run out of fuel
Pat Johnson:
We have had this happen too us on numberous accounts , we have installed new baffels in fuel tank , once we do our burnout and get on the brakes, it seems like we get some type of air pocket through out the fuel system that allows the engine to die, making us look silly out their, we sure could use some help with this issue .we had Spud go through the pump and mag over the last season , motor runs great up till then .
I had the exact same problem.
Ended up with a new fuel tank with a trap door in it to keep all the fuel from running forward when braking after the burn out.
I did read that you put baffles in the tank.
The trap door solved my problem
Draw 3D:
It could be a multitude of things but my first thought was; where is your fuel tank vent? Could it be that the vent is getting plugged/restricted from the fuel sloshing in the tank?
A few pictures would help.
everybody has a pigtail loop de loop 3-5 coils in the vent lines and I do not know how they even run--those act like a sink trap and when filled with fuel actually PLUG the vent line --just like a sink trap
We use the 3 1/2 gallon Moon copy from Speedway and have it raised enough in the chassis to solve that issue--not enough to look odd or out of place but it seems to work well no baffles at all
We have about a half a curl on the vent using clear tubing on a 2 inch copper tube stub that way you can see if it
never have a slosh issue just don't overfill the tank is key
--- Quote from: Pat Johnson on February 01, 2017, 09:43:12 AM ---We have had this happen too us on numberous accounts , we have installed new baffels in fuel tank , once we do our burnout and get on the brakes, it seems like we get some type of air pocket through out the fuel system that allows the engine to die, making us look silly out their, we sure could use some help with this issue .we had Spud go through the pump and mag over the last season , motor runs great up till then .
--- End quote ---
Does this still happen if the tank is 100% full?
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