Thanks so much on this info and I agree on the rotating mass and less parts comment. I'm all about less mass spinning.

. I like the small tire therory too...

. I figured that regardless how the axle hsg. Was, it is just the nature of the beast deal... think I could mount a JOYSTICK for a steering wheel in case I sell it to a kid 30yrs. Younger than me?

Lol, would be cool to see that a!!!
Would a back brace really be in the way of driver or the seat placement? I have a two pc. brace that came with it..
Getting more pumped now as I showed my crewchief the dragster I am interested in building and she said "why are you still working on the Elky than?" Now THATS the kind of crew chief we all need right?

. I'm a very lucky man to have her...
Another question, the chute I have for my 3500lb. Tug boat with me in it is a soft deploy and I really really like it, I am sure Shroud would sell me a completely different one for a FED, so would I be correct to assume this???
Question about seat belts, would my current belts adapt to a digger chassis? No cam release but very new belts...