Hello Dean:
Say I was running through this on my hemi build.
Disclaimer..... just my opinion yours may differ.

Having worked with Matt on putting new caps on old blocks, seeing some puked out whale blocks, doing some measuring , having the privilege of talking to some experienced hemi racers, and dealing with my anal jack hole mind.
Was not looking at leaning on it as hard as you plan.
Came to conclusion to build cap - girdle deal. Why??
- There is not a lot of meat in the block web for the outboard fasteners .
- feel the outboard added fastener really weakens the block web. Personally witness a block that was windowed that was filled and had added aftermarket caps. Really was an eye opener. Have photos can send ya when I get home if you want.
- in my mind you can't do enough to beef up bottom end. Stop the cap walk, support the crank, have margin to hold against any detonation. Try to keep those main bearings in good shape. Ba da be ba da ba.
- my opinion is the girdle is a fantastic way to help that stock bottom but ain't enough for what you plan.
Back to what I had planed if it's of any help.
Build all the caps out of 7075 all the way across. The back one will require some extra work due to seal. I was not going to have to worry about the pump mount as was going to run external. Fab up side supports to lock caps. Wasn't definite yet to either pin skirt - caps or dado skirt pcs. Use stock pan bolt tapped holes. Create plane for a pan.
Fab up a 417 like pan. The size worked good and you could get pan gaskets easy.
Love old hemi,s, but you pay a price $ (time) to run this old stuff and is very commendable. You are really leaning on this.
Just saying and wish you well bruddah
