Drag Racing Discussions > Front Engine Dragsters
Seat Belt Help
OK..so I ran with a belt set from Impact racing--got one with adjuster on RH side only thought that would be easy in the dragster--NOT I got a pull down normal style and well..you just could not get in there to pull it hard enough
So..Ordered a pull up style like everyone said--That dang thing ain't much better as it starts to pull the lap belt tight then even with crew pulling--it always seems to get in a bind and bunch up in the tensioner sort of locking it up--it is all about the angle maybe? VERY frustrating This week I have sat in the car and worked this deal every which way I can think of Lap belt is at good correct angle but I can't make it where I am happy--can get it tight enough and feel safe so????
What to do???
Should I get a set with pull up adjustment on Both sides?? That looks like best option so far
I can almost get it tight enough like it is but not as tight as I want it
Also considering going cam lock this time
Paul New:
I am ordering pull up for belts this year and yes on cam locks!! Give Big Ben a call at DJ Safety he is great to deal with
Definitely go with the cam lock.
I am real happy with belts from Autopower Industries (Rick White) in San Diego. The lap belts pull up and uses a cam lock
With dragsters someone needs to load you in the car period!!! Adjusters should be on both sides. It also helps if the person belting you in feeds the belt in as they are pulling up
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