Technical > Dan Dishon's Transmission Den

Bolt together converter

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I run a 9-inch bolt together converter in my Camaro. Aside from the advantages of being able to change stall speed, you also have the ability to clean the converter at the track in the event you have a transmission failure and need to put in a new transmission. TSI has 8-inch and 9 inch bolt together converters available at a fairly reasonable price right around the $1,300 mark. these can be built to your spec and shipped straight to you.

That sounds very interesting!
I have been looking at regular converters from BTE and TSI and they are around $950.
The differances up to $1300 is about what my locla converter guy takes for opening a welded converter to clean and inspect it.

how much does a stator generally cost (for extras). 

Tsi complete stators are $125.00


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