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Chassis Research TE 440 question


I have a question about the Chassis Research TE 440. My Dad had built this fed in the 60's, and on the back of the chassis there is part of the frame looks like an upside down wineglass shape. I have looked at blueprints and it does not include this, but has the half moon looking curved piece, and so far the te440s I've seen have the curved piece. Has anyone else seen this wineglass shape as a common practice? I am asking because I am new at this, am looking for Dads old dragster, and not sure if I need to consider this piece while looking. Thanks!

Basicly there were no real chassis spec's at that time, and for whatever reason it was changed/built like that, no right or wrong about it, its just the way it was.
If you find a chassis with the "hour glass" seat support, not that big of a deal to change to the single uprite design pictured.
 "Needle in a haystack" quest trying to locate your dads car, its been over 50years and 30 years since the nostalgia/vintage craze started, many have been scraped within that 20 year span, hopefully not your dads.
 Personally (since I do this) these cars were very simple and easy to replicate. It takes either luck or years and money to find a car if its still out there, Sitting by the phone waiting for a call will never happen.
 Get all the pics you can find and hand it over to a capable restorer and have it duplicated (at least the rolling chassis) and start enjoying it sooner.

Thank you for your input. Yes,  it most definitely has been the needle in the haystack.  Some days it feels like the needle in the whole entire hayfield. We have been making phone calls,  sending emails, writing letters,  bugging complete strangers,  posting on forums, etc. *Sigh*  I knew it would be a challenge,  and I had no idea the amount of information I would learn, and as you can tell,  still have to learn. Lol.
You have confirmed my suspicions that there really were no set specs.  We're thinking if we haven't found it by spring then it's time to create a replica.   :)

A new replica chassis will have all new (un-rusty) tubing and high quality TIG welds.
Worth it to me.

Yeah,  have thought of the benefit of new and unrusty. Good point. It's looking like we won't have a choice but use a new chassis, haven't found Dad's yet. Not giving up though.   ;)


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