Technical > Matt Shaff's Engine Shop

Pouring an engine block after it has been bored

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Ok, I found the problem with the motor in my car. Back when I last ran this block it was a 4.5" stroke with aluminum rods so to get clearance the notches cut into the bottom of the water jackets. At the time it was going in a street car so in the interest of cooling the bottom of the jackets got filled with epoxy all was fine with that. Now it seems the epoxy has degraded and fell apart. I am thinking of re doing the epoxy then pouring the block. I know not the best to pour after it has been bored but not much else I can do outside of getting another one. My question is what filler will distort the bores the least? And should I just pour the bottom up to the freeze pugs, or go all the way to the water pump?

are you talking about a BBC?  on a SBC 400 using MOROSO block filler I had to rebore because of the distortion filled to half of the water pump coolant holes

Yes, BBC. I'm already at >125 so a re-bore is out of the question. I have read that hasdblok doesn't expand. Anyone have first hand knowledge on that?

I did a tall fill with Hard Blok on my SBC 400 (30 over). I measured the bores very methodically before and after the pour and didn't find significant difference (I have measurements in a Excel spreadsheet, but not on hand right now). I touched the bores with a Flex-Hone tool and I was very happy with ring sealing (it was a ring job, not fresh cut bores). But I'm gotta tell ya, it's the last time I go through that messy job, next time I'd go straight to a Dart SHP Pro block.

Good luck!

I agree that conventional wisdom says no but my experience says no big deal do it and never look back--I build several engines a week---recently I had a finished block--customer wanted an engine but insisted on block filler--OK we measured--filled--measured--it was within a couple of tenths and really--that is closer than most can measure--including me on bores--ran like a dream so...fill er up and keep on rocking my friend


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