Drag Racing Discussions > Altereds

Altered Safety

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New guy here, what I have is a Funny car that is now an Altered, 6:00 cert that I hope to run Super Comp with. My first two questions are, Driving suit, looks like the sfi-5 that I have won't do so, do I need a 15 or a 20? Secondly, looks like I will need a driveline tunnel (MW coupler shaft) the only kit I see is the S&W, is there any other choices?

Thanks 50-R

Suit spec relys on different factors, class speed & ET, fuel type and type of induction. so more info is need to assess your situation.

Altered/funnycar a drive shaft cover needs only to cover the shaft (360*) within the confines of the drivers legs/feet , In other words from the output of the trans to rear firewall and then a coupler cover at the front of the 3rd member housing. under the seat "can" be open.
 Material can be either steel or aluminum with a min thickness of .063 as long as straight couplers are used

 Thanks for the reply. Gasoline, Carburetors, 7:50 or slower

I just looked at my NHRA 2010 Rulebook and it states, For naturally aspirated open-bodied cars, jacket and pants meeting SFI Spec 3.2/5." Same for the gloves and shoe. If you want to go faster or switch to alcohol, you will need a -15 suit.

You will also need a head sock, neck collar and arm restraints.

Have fun.

NHRA says “Any vehicle with an automatic transmission in driver compartment (no floor covering transmission): Jacket and pants or suit meeting SFI Spec 3.2A/15, gloves meeting SFI Spec 3.3/5, and boots or shoes meeting SFI Spec 3.3/5 mandatory.” Don't know if this is your situation or not.


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