Classifieds (Please No Dealers) > Wanted to buy
WTB a Tuttle 225" roller. Anyone know of one for sale
TK, this may be as close to what you are looking for as could be found.
Paul New:
Just checking in to see if you found a Tuttle car? I just learned of a 200" Tuttle car that will be coming up for sale soon.
TK if you're still in the market for a Tuttle car. Here is one:
Paul New:
--- Quote from: glofria on February 19, 2018, 03:57:34 PM ---TK if you're still in the market for a Tuttle car. Here is one:
--- End quote ---
That’s funny that is the car I knew about also
If I were to ever get one for myself, it would be a Tuttle car. I've always like the look of the driver sitting low behind the engine.
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