Technical > Dan Dishon's Transmission Den

Transbrake Delay Box

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OK, makes sense...should I look for internal damage?  Because the car lost a tenth in the 60' (1.19) after 5 consecutive 1.09 passes prior to trying the delay box.  thanks Dan.

 Did you run it after the one box pass? If so what was the 60ft. If the 60ft went back to normal without the box, I would say the hit did no damage. It is possible it started to glaze the reverse clutches, but I'm not thinking one hit would have done that.

The pass after the lazy run resulted in a slow (slowest 60') car ever went....which was 1.19.  The weather was considerably better (693DA) which should have resulted in an even faster 60'.  Top speed seemed unaffected.

I would pull the trans down and look at it just to be safe. Also I would swap solenoids the check it on the box.

Thanks Dan.


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