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race day routine


what is your race day routine.   referring to after you unload the car.. i take you put it on stands, warm up?  how long?  cycle trans etc.  do you want to get the heads to certain temp, oil?  does it matter which.  what else do you check or do prior to pulling up to lanes.


Normally with the digger we have prepped the car days before at home and ran through every thing to make sure there are no leaks or wierd nioses and all is running good and tires and equipment is correct.Now any thing can happen over days or a week on none running so at the track we warm up the tranny for consistance times and make sure there is plenty of cool down water,all our fluids are good and we take it for a warm up run down the track at 30-40mph and make sure it,s 100%.Once that,s done,we just check tires pressure,check track temp,weather conditions,and adjust jetting for the track conditions.Best thing I have found is a check list that is always changing for items to double check and is listed in the trailer so we can check it by eithet one of us.TRy it keep working on the car to a minimum,as filing the gas tank,set to max,and see the amount being used so only every 4-5 runs do you fill it up.Make sure vavles are adjusted at home and after 2-3 runs,run  throught them,to double check.mrmopartech


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