Drag Racing Discussions > Front Engine Dragsters

Fuel Top Lube Question--had issues Sat at Track Help

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OK car has been running like a top --near perfect so what do I do--take fuel system all apart to clean out as she was going to sit for a month--did my same routine blow out , WD40 then blow-- alls well.
Fueled up out of my sealed drum --accidentally added too much top lube but figured what the heck
Got to track, fired up and she was burning my eyes--never does that and it was a  off but.....get in the water and she falls flat on her face no power just weird--get back to the pits and my dumb self had main bypass in backwards--OK swapped it around --sure sounds better--go back up and she was still flat--fell on her face--limped down--loaded up came home so..
Today--new plugs --old ones slightly fouled and couple were just black--fresh fuel out of same drum NO top lube--she lights right off runs and sounds normal--Whew!!
So was it the plugs second time ?? Or plugs and fuel with too much top lube?? What happened?
Rookie needs schooling  Thanks in advance!

Paul New:
I have not had issues using top lube in my car, I use one container to a 55 gallon drum. Sometimes I don't have a bottle of lube to put in the new drum so I will run the weekend without lube than once it arrives I just dump it in the drum usually 20 gallons less fuel in the drum. What was the DA at Salt Lake compared to your normal?

If having to guess I would say combination.Too much fuel,too ,much lube that probably killed a plug of two.I have had plugs that look good that would not run and once swapped for new set was back to normal.One rerason I always put one new plug per side and work backwards.max of 4 runs on plugs and I always have a new one to read and can keep check on cylinder to cylinder burn.Used plugs go into warmup set and I rotate them out same way.Cost in minimal compared to loosing cpl runs or whole weekend.

I tend to agree after going through it all--the plugs had been in for about 4 weekends and so after they were fouled --some pitiful-some looked ok--- but she sounded crisp with new ones

Have never used the stuff in my entire 40 years of racing so I have no answer for your issue


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