Classifieds (Please No Dealers) > Wanted to buy
Anyone have a good used chute that they would want to sell?
Look for a Stroud--they open softer than cross forms and you can pack one drunk--I had a Simpson with all those spaghetti lines--it is a chore to pack!! I hated it-- Used chutes are usually worn out dragged to death--a new Stroud for $300 ain't a bad deal--call Mr Stroud for size advice FWIW you may need one for 1/4 mile to be safe in case of trouble but 1/8th mile I only pop to make the show better--don't really need for 1/4 at my speed 8.90's but good to have it in case but...will keep an eye out for you--the December racers flea at Farmington will have several--cheap--that is one of the best parts fleas ever--folks all needing Christmas cash--works out great!! I buy a pile every year last year bought transbrakes $40 each, oil pan $50, Powerglide stuff cheapo, pistons, you name it
The Simpson cross forms are not that hard and I can do it with out any help in 2 minutes or less
I go to the Farmington swap every year, but still hoping to have made a few runs before that comes up. I have the car itself ready to go, other than getting al my safety equipment on. But the budget is getting kinda thin at this point, so I was hoping to find a cheap chute. Like Dave, I probably won't be fast enough to really need it, but I would prefer to have one for the just in case
While we are on this subject do chute pack's shrink with age ? Mine is getting harder to pack it is a Simpson and I replaced the pilot chute thinking that it would make it easier and it is just as hard .
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