Drag Racing Discussions > Front Engine Dragsters

Slick Temperatures Post Run

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By the way John your car looks great !

Hi Bill...I added 35 lbs to the front this weekend and it seemed to really balance the car.  Where did you find this pic?  thanks John

On Facebook Front engine dragsters group .

JrFuel Hayden:
I have found that if I'm looking for more tire speed I lower the tire pressure, if I'm looking for more bite I increase the the pressure, mostly by adjusting pressure just 1/4 lb.
Too much bite pulls the motor down below good HP RPM range.
I know allot of you guys don't have computers, but I always check peak driveshaft speed [ tire speed], and the ET for the peak.
 I log into my run sheets 20 bits of info, besides the weather, & ET slips, for each run. It helps for when I race at that track again and or weather conditions.

Cheers, Jon


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