That tells me you are running under 6 lbs of tire pressure, to help keep the tires from dead hooking. What track temps are you racing ?
What rim width ? If you are running 10" rims that would pull the tires in a bit, which would help running higher MPH thru the lights because the 10" helps grow the tires, 12" helps more startline and mid track traction, but less tire growth .
We run 12" wide rims at 5 3/4 to 6 # pressure which gets me the highest temps, at the edges of 135°,[ I don't like that high of temps] running 1.04 to 1.06 sixty foot times on my D2585's, with track temps of 112° to 130°. I run a A-1 Trans 7" converter on my SBC and Hemi, with 8500 to 8800 stall. A looser converter helps keep the motor in the RPM range it wants to be at and helps hit the tires softer.
I check tire temps after the run to see if we are spinning too much during the run. With track temps of 74° to 86° I get 115° with 1.04 to 1.05 sixty times. Running 7.01 to 7.10 @ 188 to 190 mph, in Heritage JrFuel.
I hope this info helps, this might be more info than what you are looking for, but it's all about the whole combination.
Feel free to call me 805-444-4489 cell.