Drag Racing Discussions > Front Engine Dragsters

Champ Dragster Oil Pans

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Anyone out there ever run a Champ Oil Pan? They are made in America and have been in business for over thirty years.

Run an aluminum KEVKO pan from Fairmont, MN. Small shop building nice pans at a great price!

What does "made in America" have to do with it???? sounds like you are promoting them instead of asking about if anyone is running them and how they work.
Not enough volume to have race pans made overseas. I did see some alu pans for 426 fuel engines made overseas, design was nice (copied) and the welding was good and clean, only problem was that they were warped so bad that they would not bolt up.
 As a fuel racer, I would welcome a cheaper pan, Bad enough to throw rods out , but now will have to spend another $750 for a pan

Thanks MikenMpls for the lead.
Bruce I am not promoting them. My son just found them on the internet. I was just sharing the information from their site. I try to buy American whenever I can. With them being in business for 30 years (if its true) kind of lets me know that it is not some guy working in his dirt floor garage with his brother in law Vinny making oil pans. I to have experienced some (copied) pans and could never get them to seal right. I never heard of them before and was wondering if anyone had and if they were a quality product. That's it. No hidden agenda here.

I have one, seemed reasonable quality but I had to cut it around for ground clearance.


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