Drag Racing Discussions > Front Engine Dragsters


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Alc fuel is cheaper then race gas even tho you use twice as much $3 a gal vs $10+ for a gal of race gas

Think hard you will spend a lot on radiator, plumbing, etc Go ahead and do injected alky to start--the cost MINUS what you will spend on the other way is not that bad--Mike at Alkydiggers in Nashville TN can sell you a set up, used pump and set of nozzles pretty reasonable--really there are lots of used units available but get one from Mike ready to go is best bet  I am near you and can coach you through set up which is really not bad if you have some help--I installed nozzles and pill Mike sent and have not changed the pill ever--runs like a dream!

Bought a custom fit radiator and fan from Spike Products in Brownsburg, Indiana. The service was great, sent them a detailed drawing and they sent me a well-crafted finished product built to my specs.

New radiator with fan made to fit your car - $550
New electric water pump - $350
Plus hoses, fittings, and whatever = Over $1,000
I know, that’s what I’ve spent on mine.

Pros for alcohol:
Engine runs cooler than gas
Fuel costs less per run

Cons for alcohol:
Needs primer system or helper with stack or hat injection to start
More frequent oil changes
Need to purge alcohol from the system so it won’t attack unprotected parts (no, a condom will not work)
If you have a fire it’s harder to detect, I know

Pros for gas:
Engine warms up easier
Easy of system maintenance

Cons for gas:
Engine runs hotter
Fuel costs more per run

Having run an alcohol injected dragster for a limited time, the altered will have a radiator and water pump. With a gas carb I can start it by myself, make a run, turn on the radiator fan & water pump and drive it back to the pits. And no need to flush the system of alcohol when done. However, an alcohol carb may be in the works later if heat is an issue. Guess it all depends on your personal preferences.

If you intend to go injected in future.Why spend the money for cooling system a cost of carb thar will be lost for most part.

i think we all went alky for the same reason because of heating now drive back to the pits no need to be towed like they said get the temp up to 200* when staging. to start cold with a carb filled the front tank with gas it will start and it keeps on running. just to say go straight to alky  good luck


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