Drag Racing Discussions > Electronics
wheelie bar sensor
what wheelie bar sensors are on the market aside from racepak.
H.G. Wells:
Are the sensors specific to the brand of recorder? I do not yet have one but like RPM Performance out of OKC. Many friends have their system and I have heard no complains.
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just a 0-5v sensor. does not have to be data logger manuf. specific. can adjust values for min/max in software. im gonna do some more digging, ill look and see what RPM Performance uses and maybe i can use that too if just a 0-5v sensor. when doing search's for load sensors Racepak always comes up. i can find the load sensors themselves and fab a housing etc for it.
Im questioning the need for it and what you hope to acheive by having one?
Now I have installed hight sensors on the back of fuel cars that measure tire squat- getting up on the tire-and when they go up in smoke, all base on time after the hit to allow an understanding of clutch settings and so forth. That little do-hickky (about the size of a zippo lighter) is around $700
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