Drag Racing Discussions > Front Engine Dragsters

Throttle cable trouble

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--- Quote from: digster on July 04, 2016, 09:02:23 AM ---A picture of the old pedal with last attempt on Morse cable

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 also look at the relationship of the base - rod -peddle, from the pic the angle of the rod looks to be supporting the peddle and not getting behind the cable pick up point and driving the rod back to your heal. The top pivot of the peddle must be forward of the cable pick up

Throttle actuation mechanism is one area I need to improve in my car, so I apologize for the hijack.

Question: When using high quality Morse-type cables (like Control Cable), is it OK to have the cable being pushed when throttle pedal is depressed? Or is pulling it generally preferred?


--- Quote from: ricardo1967 on July 04, 2016, 10:21:16 AM ---Throttle actuation mechanism is one area I need to improve in my car, so I apologize for the hijack.

Question: When using high quality Morse-type cables (like Control Cable), is it OK to have the cable being pushed when throttle pedal is depressed? Or is pulling it generally preferred?

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hey bud:
FWIW.  To add to Bruce you just have to make sure the cable is rated for push.  You can get good info from Midwest control. They have good drawings with info.



The flat wound spring over braided cable (pic 2) gives it the push rating
because its a wound spring over braided wire cable gives it flexability without binding (pic 1) and as tight as I am holding the complete housing the operation is still smooth. Regular Red Jacket does not even come this close

Tied in a knot and the operation is still smooth


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