Drag Racing Discussions > Front Engine Dragsters

Tire growth

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I checked the wallace deal and found that rducing rpm by amount its looing thru converter slippage made close other wise its way off. Just info for anyone messing with it.

Hey what an opportune thread.

Cant thank you all enough. I was just taking a WAG that tire growth cancelled convertor slip.
I am just a "we are going to have fun car" nothing like what you guys are doing but hope that when we can get driver and car sorted. We can someday ??? go NE this thing.

In my particular situation car has a 12 bolt in it with 4:33's on a 31" goodyear. I really really want to keep same tire. Changing to the 4:11 it still kind of puts my RPM a little higher then with talking over with my friend Matt (Frontenginedragsters - Pro formance racing engines ) what we are aiming for.  There in lies my issue. They do not make a pro gear any higher then 4:11 for a 12 bolt.  I would need to put a Nine inch in it to get the little higher gear, thus lowering my engine CL to adjust for different hypoid angle. More money out of short supply .  Have the aluminum blank sitting here for engine plate and obviously can't start cutting it till this is determined, amongst related issues. And busy at work.
 Have the cam and heads to support the RPM. But am pond scum so need to stay on the easy side of set up. 4.15 arm on a 542 - 460 ford.

Oh well guess these are good problems ;)
Thanks everyone again for sharing.

Hey I hope everyone in for the fun.T his stuff cost way too much not to be having fun along with the late nights,working all weekend and struggling to find another thousand bucks for new part. Wait I did say fun right?

Paul New:

--- Quote from: LZ on June 05, 2016, 07:59:54 AM ---Hey what an opportune thread.

Cant thank you all enough. I was just taking a WAG that tire growth cancelled convertor slip.
I am just a "we are going to have fun car" nothing like what you guys are doing but hope that when we can get driver and car sorted. We can someday ??? go NE this thing.

In my particular situation car has a 12 bolt in it with 4:33's on a 31" goodyear. I really really want to keep same tire. Changing to the 4:11 it still kind of puts my RPM a little higher then with talking over with my friend Matt (Frontenginedragsters - Pro formance racing engines ) what we are aiming for.  There in lies my issue. They do not make a pro gear any higher then 4:11 for a 12 bolt.  I would need to put a Nine inch in it to get the little higher gear, thus lowering my engine CL to adjust for different hypoid angle. More money out of short supply .  Have the aluminum blank sitting here for engine plate and obviously can't start cutting it till this is determined, amongst related issues. And busy at work.
 Have the cam and heads to support the RPM. But am pond scum so need to stay on the easy side of set up. 4.15 arm on a 542 - 460 ford.

Oh well guess these are good problems ;)
Thanks everyone again for sharing.

--- End quote ---

If I remember correct Spud Miller ran into this quite a few years ago with his 8 3/4 Mopar he could not get a Pro Gear that would work and he sent a set of street gears some where to get them Annealed or Softened up a bit. Worth a shot I wouldn't want to change the way the car was built.

every gear set ratio has about a 200rpm change , so going from 4:33 to a 4:11 would be about a 400 rpm drop for the same ET given having the power to pull higher gear.

  Toms Differential in Idaho  is the guy to go to having the gears annealed to correct number for the application , Hes a real prick some time(most of the time) but has been doing it for 35+ years, knows his stuff and will not put up with others telling him how it needs to be done because your friend told you


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