Technical > Roo Man's Room

Altered chassis question

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I am building an altered useing both  the Mark Wiliams blueprint and the SFI chassis specs10.2  for6.00 =7.49seconds e.t..My question is the rear uprights that connects the bottom rail to the shoulder hoop the one that connects the rearend to the chassis.SFI calls for inch and a quarterx0..58 M.W.AA calls for inch and 3 eights x 095,which one do you guys prefer.

Paul New:
10.1E calls out 1.375 x .083 wall.

I use the 1.375 x .083 as a minimum.  The altered frame that I currently have on the jig has 1.5 x .095 pressed into an oval configuration the same as Force uses on his funny cars. In fact I had Norm at JFR oval the tubing for me.


Thank You, ROO

Thank You Paul


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