Ok here are the resault

First we widen the spool slot and rounded off the ramp. This helped some, but we didn't get get the respons we where looking for. So we changed the approtch, focusing on the air, to get more vacume. This unit came from a fuel injection shop in the US, as was resently serviced. But the butterflies was not seated right and a little off the sync, left and right side. After this was fixed, the engine started to work a little better. Still a little too much system pressure, making it very nervous on the leakdown. We consentrated to keep the Leakdown around 26-30%. The vacume was still too veak, but this is due to the extreme cam profile, with over 320 degrees of duration and 112 degrees of lobe seperation.
We desided to plug the air bleed holes in the nozzles, and that was the trick, bang spot on

We ended up with this set-up before calling in the day;
Around 28% leakdown
Main bypass was set to open at 4 psi with a #105 pill. (a tad to lean, so we will try a #95 pill next)
Idle bypass (Secondary) set to open at 14 psi with a #140 pil. (We will try to put inn a smaller pill, or shimming it to open a little later as it leans out a little too much goin of the throttle from WOT to off)
All this done stationally, the Altered has not been on the track, so we need to se what the respons is under load.
Hope this made any sence? Bruce ?
Thanks for the input guys