Technical > Roo Man's Room

shut downn bounce

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Rusty Kramer:
I think all the above is very good information. I really feel that in any kind of car in any class,  that you should have someone video and or watch,  your runs at the finish and try to determine based on your car, speed, chute type etc. how soon or how many feet before the finish you can deploy the chutes and have them hit very shortly after the strip while you are still on the throttle so you "drive into the chutes." .. I am going to try to do exactly that this summer to see how soon after I shift into 3rd gear I can hit the lever instead of trying to judge the finish line.

Being very new to the FED world I have been finding that I hit the chutes,clutch in ,fuel shut off and brakes at same time as I have shutoff on brake Handle.
I am guess because chutes hit before I get on the brakes
   Chutes are air set off.

Does this info apply to only an fed or also to a rear engin car as well? I have a hardtail red.

Would think most would apply to hardtail RED also.Fed's are just better at bounce.LOL With hardtail its the deceleration of tire and shrinking in hieght that cause bounce and from my experiance its when getting on to brake as soon as lifting. On fed I have zero experiance and could bypass getting any.Thats not all that likely,especailly in bracket racing and driving the stripe.

Chris They all bounce and skip at one point or another . I think the biggest cause is hitting the brakes a little too hard . Some of the brake pads out there are more aggressive than others . Carbon brakes are real touchy . I can make 20 runs at Lebanon Valley and not have any problems but there is a bump in the shut down . If I hit it with the brakes on it will skip like crazy ! easy dose it ! Oh Chris ! Get that car finished !!!


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