Technical > Roo Man's Room

shut downn bounce

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I work part time for NHRA div 1 and we have people in the tower that watch for things like that ! If we see a driver with loose belts he gets warned or excessive braking ! Some times you just cant save people from them selves !

Sometimes you wonder if you should save them.LMAO

I like being in there so tight that I can barely breathe! On the bouncing thing...just don't touch the brake handle until you need to turn off

I've bounced off the end of an outlaw track, started put it in neutral as I let off the gas after stopped before the end with out bouncing

1994 we didnt have the (personal) rule, i know you armed the chute, baby, but show me the flag in my face before i stage.  :o

So after ripping the chute lever off the car i went for the brakes. And bounced and chirped all the way out into the sand pit at about 125.

Had roll cage blue smeared all over my brand new white simpson helmet. That pretty much ended that weekend.

Definitely was hard on the brake that got it going.


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