Drag Racing Discussions > Front Engine Dragsters
Can Wheelie Bar be Too Low?
I have been running mine where you could easy slide your shoe under it--going OK but recently redrilled my pin holes for better tighter fit and now it is a squeeze to get my shoe under--I have higher settings but...
could this be too low and upset car 5.60 1/8th so she ain't exactly a rocket--been fighting launch issues--some outings she makes several perfect runs next time it is death rides left right left right --I think it has been poor track conditions when I have trouble but just wondered Thanks
Yes Dave you could have it too low and it could cause problems . If the bar is very stiff it won't let the tire plant it self at the hit . At the hit the car is going to squat down . When you adjust the bar make sure there is someone in the car . I would think that some where around 3 inches would be a good place to start . Putting chalk on the wheel can tell you a lot . On a good leave with my car the bar will touch right at the hit then skip about 8 inches and touch again as the front end comes up . Bill
I generally run the bars on my cars so that you can slide your foot under the wheels but that is with a bar about 6" long that flexes enough that it does not shock the chassis. If the track is really tight I may lower the bar a little to get some wheel speed at the step. This is with the Goodyear comp elim style tire at 6.5 lbs. If your car squats into the tire leaving and does not have enough grunt to get up on the tire early you may need to run the wheel higher. The same applies if the bar is more rigid.
Thanks a ton guys
Heading out tomorrow for a good track and hoping for good start to the year--It just dawned on me that maybe just maybe with my 48 inch bar that is pretty stiff that too low could maybe be upsetting the leave--I know that too high is a little exciting as well Thanks!!!! Will post some results
I think I just got too cautious after a big wheelie and have been too low thus causing spin and launch issues
Lots of variables. I run a 6" bar with a bit of flex. I have the guys set my bar using the the widest part of a 3/4 inch open end wrench between the wheel and ground at loaded weight.
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