Drag Racing Discussions > Front Engine Dragsters
What constitutes a "securely mounted" seat pan in a FED?
New to the forums. Been running a street legal blown altered for a few years, but just picked up we believe is a 137" Woody jr fuel chassis from the mid 60's....but has been updated for 7.50 cert.
Anywhoo.......I may have to make a new seat to sit me a little further down. The current pan is pop riveted to the upper frame tube and one tube on each side at the fwd edge.
Will this pass tech at an NHRA track? If not, what constitutes a "securely mounted" seat? I really couldn't find much in the NHRA rules for FED's. Seemed it was more meant for door cars and such. Thanks.
Not the way most people do it, but you are fine
Not to be a hijacker, but I thought this fits. Would a seat position like this be ok?
As long as you are comfortable and get the belts anchored correctly
And speaking of belts with this set-up , being reclined as this picture shows, I would not use the single crotch strap and use the "V" type to hold you in. The chance of submarineing would increase in a crash with the single and injure parts of the body that one does not want injured
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