Drag Racing Discussions > Front Engine Dragsters

Change gears or tyres?

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--- Quote from: digster on April 10, 2016, 02:56:48 PM ---Are you running an 8 3/4 Chrysler gear?

--- End quote ---

No Mate a 9"

--- Quote from: jeff/21 on April 10, 2016, 03:52:01 PM --- i prefer a low gear and tall  narrow tires we run 4.88 with 33x10.5 it all depends on the track conditions

--- End quote ---
I'm looking to go to a 10" tyre coz the two tracks I would travel to are good was looking at Hoosier 18205 - 30.0/10.5/15. However a pair of wheels and two slicks would set me back some where close to $1500 Aussie Dollars some it might be easier (dollars) to put a killer gear set in with my existing 31/13/15 M/T.

Tell me which is the better way to go and why you think so? Who's gone down either path - would you do it again?


 Bill hit the nail on the head. A 31" tire and a 4.88 gear would give you the 6500 RPM @123 you're looking for. A 9" is fairly cheep and ez to build for a 400 hp application. My 2 cents would be, run the 31 inch tires. Keep your 4.30 gears in case you get a chance to run 1/4 mile tracks. Build up a 4.88 center.
(dang the bad luck I just sold off a set of 9" Richmond 4.88 pro gears cheep)

Paul New:
Gears but you definitely could use a narrower tire

Scott Krieger:
13" is a lot of tire to have to pull for sure. We have a lil 500hp BBC in our car. We run MT3062w, 29.5x10.5x15 tire on a 12" rim w/stiff side walls and use a ford 9" w/3.90 gear.
I hate to spend money on the car, because it has to be accountable. It's my Daughters car and she pays all the costs, so ROI is very important for me.
What about putting it back together with what you have already and getting in a few pass to see what the car wants and likes. Maybe try airing up the tires then as you go, to get tire off the track and see if it makes it happy. Always nice to have a good spair set of tires around that's for sure.

Best of luck :)

Scott Krieger:
Race cars are like females, as we know. What we think she wants is not what she wants at all. Give her what ya got, be astute & run it. Give her what seems to make her happy as ya go, weather it makes sense always or not.
I love setting back after the races thru out the week reading the log book and watching video trying to understand what the car (Victoria) is telling me makes her happy. Making adjustments for next race and running it.
My daughter Kayla log's all our data at the track. As all I focus on at the track is the moment. Track, Wind & D.A. and so on.
As we know also that what made her happy last time, my not result the same next time. (to close to the edge!)
It only took us 3 years to finally get ours happy to the point of just draining the carb and put her on the stand for the next race. Lot more accountability on the driver when the car is happy which makes it a lot of fun.

Enjoy your digger  :)


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