Technical > Spud Miller's Cave

Magneto Cap Help

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Cool, I had a good time myself. Picked up a converter, a pair of nice Cal custom BBC valve covers, and a pinion support. Plus a few cj Jeep pieces

Spud Miller:

 There are two different sizes of clip down cap for an OXC Vertex. The small one is just a little bigger than the magneto body. It's also used on old clip-down Super-Mags and Sprintmag I's:

 I'm not aware of an OEM replacement for it that has the same diameter inside for the standard rotor. If it's hard starting (or not at all), you probably have the wrong cap to match the rotor.

 The big one is known as a "Ford" style cap:

 These can be had at auto parts stores, but beware of aluminum contacts in them. You want BRASS only! Aluminum contacts shed conductive particles inside the mag. Also be sure you don't get a springy carbon contact in the center. Your rotor should have the spring to it, not the cap contact.


I can't do photos on this site  sorry!! It will never accept what I use on other sites with ease but.......
it has a flat circular plastic "lid" that goes on top of mag and then it looks like it will accept a snap on cap like that Mallory #204  The diameter where cap goes is increased a little to approx 3.750 plus
what is diameter of that mallory 204 where it sits down on mag??
Spud I have another mag bought on same trip--will send it out and call you on it--Thanks


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