Drag Racing Discussions > Altereds

4 link starting point

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Build or have somebody build you a set of solid struts to replace the shocks and run the car as a hard-tail first. Make sure the left front wheel is at least 1/4 lower than the right to start with. Trying to learn a new to you car with a different power output will have your plate pretty full for the moment. once you get comfortable and the car running good, and have a base line. at that point you can go after the 4 link to see if there is an improvement .

  Never give a racer a car that he can adjust because 9 outta 10 times they will adjust the wrong direction

Going in the wrong direction is how you learn to go in the right direction .


--- Quote from: masracingtd1167 on April 14, 2016, 02:02:32 PM ---Going in the wrong direction is how you learn to go in the right direction .

--- End quote ---

Sure thing Bill, it works most of the time ;D


--- Quote from: masracingtd1167 on April 14, 2016, 02:02:32 PM ---Going in the wrong direction is how you learn to go in the right direction .

--- End quote ---

also can get you purchase another car

Was your altered lifting the front wheels out of the beams and red lighting?


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