Drag Racing Discussions > Altereds

4 link starting point

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i haven't plotted original 4 link setting on this new to me car yet, but was looking for a recommendation on where to start for my combination. the motor I'm installing is more potent than previous owners. they had rear suspension very stiff, very short 4 link intersect point & no weight on front end. yes it has wheelie bars, but the top bars of them are bent, so that will require attention as well. Combo is 406 sbc dynoed at 645hp/585 torque with alcohol carb, robbed from my chevelle for this project. powerglide is fresh 180 first gear, altered came with 4.10 rear gear, want to start with it for now. installing the hat injection that came with car, it was turn key. weight is 1674 with me in it. 32/14 goodyears (maybe too big?) but new & came with car. i'm looking for recommendations please, this altered thing is brand new to me, just always wanted one & now is the time... Thanks for any & all input!

Well first off I like very soft springs on my shocks and I like the AFCO shocks. My Altered was at 1675 and had about 650 Hp and had the IC set around 58 inches out and 11 inches up if I remember right. Car has 62% on rear wheels and would wheelie hard and make a right turn. Also it would pop tires out of the lights and just did not handle good. By the way if the car is turning when front wheels are up you correct that with preload or four link and or shock spring. Some use the Anti-Roll bar but I prefer to do most of preload with the four link and fine tune it with the shock spring.
I moved the IC back to about 42 inches out and it is very nice now. It does work the shocks hard but the car drives out and slowly pulls front wheels up. Probably on my car the best location would be about 46 inches but it is not possible with my chassis. If possible on your car I would suggest starting at around 46 inches out if your car has 125 wheelbase and most of weight on rear. Further forward it is the more it lifts front more to rear the more it lifts rear of car and plants rear tires down but you do not want shocks to top out as it will unload rear tires.
I like the wheelie bars fairly low to keep wheelies under 1 foot high. With my chassis set up like this it has carried front tires several hundred feet out just a few inches off the ground and straight as an arrow. You can private message me and I will give you my phone number and will teach you everything I know if you have about 6 minutes. LOL.
I am now at 755 Hp and running 4.90's but it is still working good. PS, my car has 4.10 rear gear and 1.80 trans gears so it sounds as if your combo is close to my older combo.

thanks for the quick response, I have been working a lot & will get more into this over the weekend

Let me know after your testing and then you can fine tune it from there. If the chassis is not just right with an Altered it can be an evil animal. I think you have my number so you can call me if you have any more questions and I will try to help as best I can.

I enjoyed our talk, you were vey helpful. I have 4 link adjusted now, I'm going to recheck pinion angle & preload & lock it down. I hope to be firing the engine Monday & doing a complete check over for anything I have missed. Plan to test in a couple of weeks. i'll keep you updated, thanks again for the help.


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