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Tubes or no tubes in slicks.

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Changing slicks on a FED to a M/T 33x10.5w on a 10" wheel. It had 32x14 with tubes on a 14" wheel. We have struggled with tire shake with the big slicks. Air pressure was very sensitive. It is a mild steel car and is 185". Weighs about 1650lbs with driver and runs in the 7.6's @ 176mph. It leaves at 6200rpm and is a 565 injected alky. I would really like to hear what everyone else does and how it works for them. I like the idea of less weight but is it worth it? Most of the info I find is for a door cars so it does not relate. Thanks for all the help as always.

Paul New:
No tubes! For 7.60's your over tired 12" wide is plenty

Door car tires are made different then Comp tires, you want to run tires that are for compitition type cars

You should be just fine without the tubes . Why carry all that extra weight . That 14 inch tire was hurting you . I am seeing a lot more of those 10.5 tires on dragsters lately . The world champ in Comp wit a fed was running a 10.5 tire on his b/nd . I run the 12x31 Goodyears on mine and have thought to my self that they might be a little too big for my car because of my motor placement only 36 inches out . Keep us posted with your results . For me the 22585 Good year has been the best . Second would be the Good year 1288's and last were the Hoosier 12x33 c09 tire witch is very aggressive and hard to get enough wheel speed . 

A BIG amen on the Goodyear 2585 ! I have tried 3 different Hoosiers. The extra weight will slow you down.


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