Technical > Dan Dishon's Transmission Den

Turbo 400 problem

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Got to thinking about the governer, did he make sure the valve in it was moving free? Just because the weights move doesn't mean it's not stuck. Hold it by the gear hanging down and push the weights in and you should see the valve drop in the shaft.

One more question on this turbo 400.......could a bad sprag in the trans cause this problem?. 1st gear works great..rev works fine.... seems to shift into 2nd but slips.....never gets to 3.

Loose kick-down solenoid or solenoid is powered all the time ( stuck closed switch ). Is this a stock trans, trans brake, manual valve body? Don't remember if that was stated before.

I'm not thinking a sprag is the issue. They either hold or they don't. Not holding usually involves some crunching of the parts. Both the Int, and high clutch are fed throught the center support. Just trying to link the problems. Does the 1/2 shift act the same when manually shifted? If the kick down solenoid were loose, it would result in no forced down shifts, as the solenoid is held open by pressure, as the throttle moves down the voltage is incressed to the solenoid, when the solenoid overpowers the pressure and closes you get a forced down shift. A stuck on solenoid would result in very high shift points, but you would still have a shift.

Steve have your friend call me, might be easier to help him with a qyick phone call, I will post any results and findings back to this thread.



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