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Direct drive

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Hi guys, wondering if anyone can help.

  Still thinking of different trans ideas, on a clutch car how can can you set up a direct drive but still include a reverse gear.  Engines a blown SBC on methanol 9" rear.  How would a direct drive stand up to today's prep'd tracks and newer tyre compounds.

Paul New:
these guys have been doing it for years
7.60's at 190-200mph they are slow off the line but really get moving no issues from track prep

I have no experience with a direct drive clutch unit. The concept is simple, a slipper clutch through a reverser box to the rear end. We have a few Pro 7.0 and Pro 7.5 guys running this set up. Some are blown methanol, others are injected nitro.

Like Dan said, for reverse just bolt a Lenco reverse unit onto the back of the clutch can.  If you don't get one with a neutral position you will need to fabricate a "clutch stick" to hold down the pedal to move the car without a driver. 

I can tell you from experience that with a pedal clutch and a blown alky small block you will not be happy with a direct drive setup if you intend to race it.  You will not make enough power to get it to launch well.  With my 417 Donovan I started to notice gains when I put 25% nitro in the tank.  Ran the 7.50 class using 45-50%, and 7.0 class at 65%. 

As Paul stated, not blazing off the line, but well over 200 on top end.  There's no problem with tires or track, sometimes when the clutch and driveshaft go 1 to 1 there's a little shudder. 

Steve K.


--- Quote from: sknopp on February 09, 2016, 09:55:49 AM ---I can tell you from experience that with a pedal clutch and a blown alky small block you will not be happy with a direct drive setup if you intend to race it.  You will not make enough power to get it to launch well.
Steve K.

--- End quote ---

 Is that still a problem if I was slipping the clutch, I know Top Fuel slip the clutch for a way down the track over here. 

 Just trying to get idea's. Would love to go for a DD car, stand out from all the auto's.  Class I would be racing in is a Bracket  ET class.


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