Technical > Dan Dishon's Transmission Den
stall speed
I have a chance to get a ultimate converter for a reasonable price . It has a steel stator and diode sprag and after talking to Lenny there he determined that the stall would be 6200, My new motor is just a hilborn injected 388 sbc with about 560 hp and a redline of 7500. I'm running 430's with 33 inch wheels in the back and was wondering if this would be too loose. mMy engine guy says it would be alright but what does anyone else run with a similar setup.
Rule of thumb is 1000 to 1500 under shift point. The heavier the combo the larger spread you need between stall and shift point.
Hope this helps,
thanks so i'm weigh in around 1350 all in so it should be alright.
I have a very similar combo with 6000 stall--works like a dream I would say try it --at least then you have a yard stick before you make changes. These light cars are very forgiving
--- Quote from: grapro on February 06, 2016, 09:34:05 AM ---I have a chance to get a ultimate converter for a reasonable price . It has a steel stator and diode sprag and after talking to Lenny there he determined that the stall would be 6200, My new motor is just a hilborn injected 388 sbc with about 560 hp and a redline of 7500. I'm running 430's with 33 inch wheels in the back and was wondering if this would be too loose. mMy engine guy says it would be alright but what does anyone else run with a similar setup.
--- End quote ---
When you talked to Lenny what did he think ? Ultimate makes a very good product !
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