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Stack injection and bracket racing

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--- Quote from: crider on February 05, 2016, 03:40:48 PM ---I've been thinking of using mechanical injection on my FED, but it will be used mostly as a bracket car. 511 BBC with a glide.  I have some experience with an enderle bird on a blower, but I have never dealt with any of the stack setups. Is it possible to get them to run consistent enough to bracket race without being driven insane along the way? And what would be the best to try, hilborn, kinsler or something else?

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    Yes you can and you have a lot of options . You can use stack injection or a bug on a tunnel ram or a Rons throttle body set up on a 4 barrel manifold . The stack injectors can be a little touchy but it is just a matter of getting the butterflies in sync . I use a pair of the Rons throttle bodies on a tunnel ram manifold and have had great luck with them .

I bracket race with an Enderle hat and it works quite well. Stack injectors should be similar.

I knew the enderle and the flying toilets both work very well for running consistent. but I was interested in the stack injectors for the classic FED look 

The hardest part is getting the butterflies even and you can do it with a uni sync tool . I think  Kinsler sells them . Parks also sells an adjustable air bleed for stack injectors . Injected Alcohol is deadly consistent !

On consistency. My first racecar was 66 nova with injected 454 in 1986. Car was deadly,driver not as much.I had muliple nights with tickets that where identical for 4 or 5 straight runs. I made semis 3rd,4th and 6th race out with it. Won 5th.Now these where just little local track but normally had 30 to 40 cars.

Keep it simple and do the work to get it tuned out and you probably will not have change jet  cpl times a year and then only with big weather swings.


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