Technical > Spud Miller's Cave

Stack injection and bracket racing

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I've been thinking of using mechanical injection on my FED, but it will be used mostly as a bracket car. 511 BBC with a glide.  I have some experience with an enderle bird on a blower, but I have never dealt with any of the stack setups. Is it possible to get them to run consistent enough to bracket race without being driven insane along the way? And what would be the best to try, hilborn, kinsler or something else?   

Can it be done? Yes. The biggest problem I had was, unless your being towed in the lanes, injection doesn't like to be started 5 times before its time to race, I had a primer system, which helped, but since injection doesn't have accelerator pumps, it can be a challenge to start... Have a tow car, or be first in line.. IMO

I have bracket raced 12 years with crower injection. After first start-up day,no more priming. Just watch weather.Vapor pressure and humidity are E-T changers.

Been runing FI since 1985.Agree that after first fireup of the day there should be no problem.Now on the stack injectors I have no experiance but see no reason why they should be any different than any other style. Primer system seems to be very popular with lots of bracket racers.

Biggest thing with Stack style would be need for some sort of screen over them especailly when sitting behind burnout area and on return roads which are rarley gravel fee. I have one injector that mopunt straight to top of tunnel ram whit butterflys on top and would allow  anyint landing on it to sit there till opened and thats main reason I am not using it. We all know the crap happens(see Glenn did even use actual wording)saying  is just for drag racing. With filtering or screening you should be fine.

The thing I noticed with mine besides the stones and starting is idling. You can get the openings real close but I can't get them exactly the same. With zoomies I could see were 3 cyls were rich 3 were lean and the rest were just right.


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