What heads do you plan on running? With Indy -1 Heads you wind up with stupid push rod angle that needs offset lifters to fix--well..all Mopar offset lifters have chevy style oil bands that are too wide--it bleeds oil pressure off unless you have bushed bores. Depends a lot on what heads, what rocker set up Jesel, shaft mount stock style etc Many Mopar guys run Comp 829-16 lifters as they are solid body and avoid oil pressure bleed off no matter what you run them in but then they are pretty sorry lifters compared to other better units out there--If You run Jesel with Indys then you go spray bar oiling for rockers etc--can get complicated--depends on your entire set up and plan---No better source for info than KB right? Todd Marsh at Marsh Perf in NC is one of your BEST Mopar assets--he sells it all and his tech advice is dead on--Period! He is the best Mopar source in the business--Honest, fair and tech savy as any Mopar guy alive--he has built, dyno'd and delivered more Mopar HP than almost any other vendor--all very quietly and almost behind the scenes. Call him 336 283 0800 tell him Kluttz sent you--he will make your program get up and go!