Author Topic: Jim Minnick AA/GD-The Nitro Gasser  (Read 3475 times)

Offline alkyal

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Jim Minnick AA/GD-The Nitro Gasser
« on: January 25, 2016, 04:39:42 PM »
Does anyone have knowledge of the current wearabouts of the last car he raced-thru 1969 season. It was a ROD Stucky Chassis and a late model 426 hemi. I used to work for Jim and lost track of the car years ago. He raced Pro-Stock in the early days of the class. Jim had  passed on a number of yrs ago. There was a person on Race Junk a while back that said he was making Replica frames. Dont know what he was working off. I last saw it in Jim s garage in Cross Lanes W.Va. Decades ago. He may have sold it prior to his divorce from his first wife Gloria. They had 2 daughters-both grown and living in FLA. Thanks for any help. Al