Technical > Spud Miller's Cave

Blower / fuel at idle

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I got the engine to idle a little cleaner with the front four hat nozzle change to the 15lb. port block. But not great. Sooooooooooo I odered a 8 1/2" snout and moved the blower back 3 more inches. I will leave the fuel changes as they are. We will see how much that helps.

At the March Meet and started the car for the first time with the blower set back another 3" for a total of 5" ....two of the hat nozzles plumbed to the ports....and.... just about PERFECT!!!
Took two safe and slow test sessions (7.61 and 7.43) to get data on the blower. I way over estimated the blower out put. (Estimated the 16/71 HiHelix would put out 632 out to 550) Maybe it will get better at higher ODs.
Statred  out with 15% under driven for 12 lbs of boost...second pass @ 10% under got me 14 lbs. The engine needs 18-20 to go 7.0. So now I know what the blower really wants for OD. I give it 3.6 OD and our first qualifier gets us a 7.002 lifting at 6.43 into the run......
OOOps too much blower and I was lucky with my lift !!!!! But now I REALLY know where I am with the blow.
I put the port nozzles the way you said Spud...big in front and smaller to the back and I only need to make a couple small adjustments.
Thanks for the help !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
SS3 Race Team


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