Technical > Roo Man's Room

Aircraft tubing


23T Hemmee:
Hey Roo,

Need to know how aircraft tubing is sized.  My wing struts appear to be about 1.375" at the wide side and .375" on the narrow.  Will the next size up be a close enough fit to let the smaller size telescope with a fairly snug fit or is there too much of a gap in the two sizes.  I'm trying to utilize part of my existing wing strut but need to extend the length about 10 inches to remount the strut off the back of the shoulder hoop uprights to satisfy the new f!@$^% wing rule.  Off topic, you still interested in the dual filter mount?  Didn't want to repost the ad if you were.

Stream line tubing is not sized for teliscoping

          I just double checked with my tubing guys who make their own streamline and as Bruce notes there is no slip fit available. I knew that there wasn't any in the aircraft world but thought that maybe they had rolled compatible sizes, but nope.


23T Hemmee:
OK, thanks for checking.


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