Technical > Matt Shaff's Engine Shop

Shut down causing oil starvation-oil restrictors?

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It is the upper shell...

we had the same looking bearings but with a small block chevy. have a 8 qts pan added two more qts total of 10, in the same pan, bearings looked great but not perfect, still had small marks on them. Just finish up winter rebuild when from .003 to .0035 see if that will help  with the bearing widening out {crush}.   
steve m.

Thanks for the responses, I have to say I am kinda disappointed as I thought this was a good pan.  We were going to try adding in another quart or two to see if that helps.  I will probably take the restrictors out too as I have already had one lifter failure that caused an expensive rebuild.

While I feel accumulators are band aid they are pretty good band aid. If it saved blackening bearings its worth every penny. I am working on enlarging returns on my motor to help prevent this issue.Key word help.

The problem you are having could very well be the oil getting back to the pan . Are you running a belt drive ?  That makes it worse . Do you have plugs in the valley of the motor ? One thing that can help is a pair of return hoses from the front of the head to the pan . Remember all of that oil you are pumping has to get back to the pan . A lot of the big block guys have gotten away from using high volume pumps . An oil accumulator will help a lot . Something that I have been doing and it seems to help is after I pull the chute I put the car in neutral and just let it idle . Just one last thought how are your bearing clearances ? I would think .003 on rods wold be ok .   


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