Drag Racing Discussions > Front Engine Dragsters

M&H 14X32X15 tires

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The problem with BL is that you must run a smaller dia brake rotor to move the caliper away from the locking ring. It was a big surprise to the AF guys when this stupid rule was put in place. Was not a problem for the fuel guys because they run 16" and have 1/4" caliper to ring clearance with the large dia rotor.

Wow never heard that they had issue
So does anyone make 15 liners?
Does not appear so
Does a-fuel guys run 16 dia rim or 15?

Man the aa/fa we run liners but 16 rim
And tried BL in CIFCA day but hurt reaction times.
So went back to the liner.

A-fuel requires BL right?

AF started requiring BL after a racer in AF had a tire come off a rim While backing up, Zero ivestagation as to low/leaking air pressure, damaged rim, no screws, Just some Screwball tech wannabe throwing out a bad solution. Having worked on many N/TF cars and knowing the clearence between caliper and rim was tight, I questioned him how that was going to work with a 1" smaller dia wheel?? Strange already has a smaller dia rotor because they use the same rotor for everything. The M/W and SPE units all were running the larger dia rotor. Racers were grinding on the calipers and the beadlock rings to get to fit untill those companys made the smaller rotors and caliper mounts.

 No Manuf. makes a suitable rear tire for AF in a 16" dia and the 15" NASCAR liners are not wide enough

JrFuel Hayden:
Kin Bates , with a Dean Adams [ Gene's son] early Hemi has won all but one of the Heritage Championships in A/F and for the last 3 years racing with the M&H N/TF 12x16 tire. The reason they switched was Kin would shake his fillings out with tire shake with the 14.5x15 or 15x15 Goodyear and Hoosier.
Tried the N/TF tire and shake went away, I think the best they have run is 6.19 @ 230 mph on their injected Nitro FED.

Jon Hansen, Hayden Wheels

Hey Jon
Thanks for the information.
I will see if I can find a test to see if they might fit.


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