Technical > Roo Man's Room

Chute lever relocation

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I like one lever per chute. This way I can dump one or both if need. One is lot easier on the body if you have the room.

What I did was mount all 3,  Two Chute & Fuel Shutoff in the dash right above right knee. I machined round flat discs for knobs the 2 chute knobs about 1 1/2 & 2 1/2 for the fuel. Driver can easily pull both chutes [or one] in one motion then move hand to the right a few inches and pull the fuel knob. No levers to bump getting in & out

I like mine on the front cage hoop so it's out the way for getting in and out the car and I literally just lift my hand and hit the lever, then my hand falls back to steering or brake handle.


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