Technical > Roo Man's Room

Heat proof paint

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What is best paint to use for my topolino fiberglass body. Car will be painted matt or satin black inside and out. Are those cans of heat proof paint for engine parts, headers etc suitable. What about high temp stove paint? Will painting fiberglass with this paint provide any more protection than regular paint. All info greatly appreciated. Glen

I can't help with the paint question mate, but I love the car!

Are you expecting to be on fire most of the time ???

Unless the headers point directly at the body, heat is not enough to hurt any paint

Larry Gocha:
Nice car

Bada_ _ ride.Understand reason for heat resistant paint. Not for being on fire but crap happens and bepreparred never hurts.
We had a paint we did funnycar body with back in mid 90's and for life of me I can not remember what itwas called it was a light gray color.  Never did test it and happy with that.LOL


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