Technical > Roo Man's Room

welding ?

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Mrs Esterhouse:
Thanks again for all the reply's, I am not sure but I did some more practice with scrap on the bench and I think maybe I was holding the arc a little to close and I see my argon tank is getting pretty low. I am confident in all the welds on the car I was just having to regrind tungsten more than I think is right.  Anyway new bottle next week, regroup, work on the engine this weekend and hit it again.

Mr Froggy:

--- Quote from: pablo on December 05, 2015, 08:14:32 PM ---I am a welder and use brake cleaner frequently in my shop.  The danger is using brake cleaner with chlorine in it.  The ultaviolet radiation from a welding arc will cause phosgene gas.  Phosgene gas was used in trench warfare in WW1.  Just be sure to use non-chlorinated brake cleaner (usually in a green can) and marked in an obvious place on the label and avoid the chlorinated brake clean (usually in a red can) and you will be fine.  If you accidentally use the chlorinated stuff you will know immediately because of the smell that most describe as the smell of new mowed hay.  If that happens quit welding and air out the shop and you will be fine.

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If that smelt like fresh cut Hay I'd be spraying it all over  8) that's one of the finest aromas in the world!


--- Quote from: Mrs Esterhouse on December 10, 2015, 03:57:25 PM ---Thanks again for all the reply's, I am not sure but I did some more practice with scrap on the bench and I think maybe I was holding the arc a little to close and I see my argon tank is getting pretty low. I am confident in all the welds on the car I was just having to regrind tungsten more than I think is right.  Anyway new bottle next week, regroup, work on the engine this weekend and hit it again.

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 Lean against anything you can while welding, lean against the table, the chassis, rest your elbows and wrists against whatever to stabilize your movements while laying bead.

I agree, prop both your torch hand and filler hand and body in any way you can for stability if necessary. But I'd say prop and lean Lightly, because when you have to move if you have to release and reposition a lot of support weight it's gonna affect the accuracy of your manipulation and the appearance and quality of the weld. And I'd cheat every chance I'd get to reposition the joint to give me the best chance of the best weld joint. Sometimes you can't, but many times you can.

I buy lacquer thinner in 5 gal can from Napa--save all the wifes dish liquid bottles--fill with thinner --keep all around the shop--you have the perfect cleaner for dozens of jobs handy at all times--could not live without this shop helper.


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