Drag Racing Discussions > Front Engine Dragsters
Howdy all
We're looking at a 185" FED..
the seller says the chassis is 17" wide at the shoulders.
My question is... Will a driver that is 5'8" 230-240 lbs fit??
No, I have 19" and I am 5'10" ,210 and fit perfect.
Doubt it!!
I am 5 11 / 230 and my car is 21 1/2 at the shoulder--tight as I would want
The 17 inch stuff and 18 is always what you find --older usually
When you test sit a car be SURE and put on enough layers to simulate a -15 suit makes all the diff when test sitting
Skip the old narrow units look for a newer wider unit
These are FUN!! Get one but...take your time--get the right one
S&W cars, Cenpens are wider Just have to be patient
Thank you!!!! I'll keep searching
Most new chassis are built with the shoulder at 21" on center (center of the tube just before the bend starts) also stay away from the large single bend hoop as it will roll your shoulder blades. A hoop made from 2 - 6" rad bends and a little flat between them is the most comfortable for the larger driver
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