Technical > Roo Man's Room

Fuel tank design

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Paul New:
I am still in the planning stages of the rebuild on my car and just want to know what makes the best tank it will be a narrow tank all the way to nose of the car. Just slightly worried about the burp after the burnout with the 1 1/4 line. Also different types of vents I have had 3 different styles of vents one out the top with the coil, one out the bottoms of tank into the air gap below the cap, and the latest style is flapper in the cap that Gary Eickman built for me. Possibly thinking of going with the style like Parks uses.

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I generally use the front to rear tube deal (usually with a tube coming off it at 90 degrees at the mid point). I put a horizontal baffle high in the tank to stop fuel from getting into the tube under at the hit or under braking and run multiple vertical baffles down from that to stop front to rear slosh. I will try to post some photos later today.


Paul New:
Thank you Roo not that my tank is horrible but some times I do see a little slosh coming from my vent on a launch! Your insight is much appreciated

Ditto on the front to back vent tube. it works the best both in accel and decel.
Absolutly no reason to run that big of a fuel line and with the tank so far foward and the tank not being tall (for head pressure) 1"od tube is more than enough volume.
 Pumps push fuel and really dont like to suck and is easy to break vacuum under a hard decell if there are any air pockets in the tank. The bigger the line causes the extra fuel weight to move forward because its not a tall tank with 5 gallons of fuel pushing down on the outlet keeping the line filled.

This is a very old picture of the tank setup Roo Man is talking about


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